apparition of a 'woman' in 'the gents. In fact, the manager thought the whole thing "a bit of a giggle." Not so Hall, who says the tavern will "never have my custom, while they continue to offer this outrageous spectacle." The owners, subsequently consulted, are said to have taken a similar view. "We did not know this was going on and we will take steps to stop it immediately," they are quoted as stating. London readers-any more news? From the pictures accompanying this story, the show may have been a bit crude. There are drag shows in the U.S.A. where wigs are somewhat unconvincing, and where stubbly beards clearly peek through the pancake makeup. But there are others where the drag queen raises 'her' art to a high degree of finesse, and doubtless London can match these also.


Quentin Crewe's 2-part article under the above heading (London DAILY MIRROR, 4-14-4-15-65) awakened a variety of responses. Though not actually very extensive in overall content, the article is unusually well-balanced, citing a variety of modern psychological and sociological opinions on the subject of homosexuality generally. Crewe did some field-work prior to writing his article, including attending a cinema known to be frequented by homosexuals. One experience there bore out what psychologists had previously told him, that in offenses involving minors, it is the minor, often as not, who solicits the act. In this case, after a fifteen-year-old boy sat down beside him and made the usual overtures, Crewe was able to talk with the youngster, and obtain some valuable information concerning his history and family life. The article concludes with standard


psychological advice to advice to parents about how to "protect' sons by providing a "happy home" and opportunity to identify properly with the father-figure.

In spite of its general balance and freedom from condemnatory attitudes, Crewe's presentation perpetuates the stereotyped figure of the homosexual as a neurosiseaten, anxiety-ridden, unhappy person, who "would give anything to be normal, to be able to marry and have children," etc. This drew the following responses, appearing in the DAILY MIRROR for 4-22-65:-

"Quentin Crewe must have met some very dreary types of homosexual during his survey for the MIRROR. I am a normal woman, but I know several homosexual men; two have been my dearest friends for more than seventeen years. They hold good jobs, are intelligent, humorous, and most sincere. They find partners of the same kind as themselves and enjoy living as much as most people. They do not spend time pitying themselves for something for which they are not responsible." And another correspondent writes:-

"It is man-made laws which have created the image of homosexuals as 'perverts. Ours is an unending struggle against people. who consider themselves normal, and yet ill-treat children and animals. If 'normal' people will not help us to change the laws which govern homosexual conduct they should leave US alone." And again:-

"Quentin Crewe's articles on homosexuality should make people realize that this country, so proud of its racial and religious tolerance, has an oppressed minority. Homosexuals are the victims of unjust laws."


According to the London DAILY